At the invitation of the associate member Amorim Cork Composites, the stakeholders of the MMFA – the Multilayer Modular Flooring Association met on 27 and 28 April to hold its member’s meeting in Porto/Portugal. More than 70 participants found out about the latest developments in the industry and used the two days to work on the association’s current projects.
Windmöller emphasised that the MMFA considers itself to be a partner of the international flooring industry. In the future, the association wants to continue to work proactively for the implementation of appropriate quality standards for modular multilayer products (MMF) in all markets. To this end, the MMFA conducts research projects with pilot character; it promotes cooperative contact with other industry institutions and is an actively committed member of standardisation committees.
In Porto, Volker Kettler (Meisterwerke), deputy Chairman and Convenor of the Technical Workgroup, together with Dr Rico Emmler (IHD Dresden), was able to present the initial results of the “Hot Spot” research work initiated by the MMFA. The extensive project deals with the “top surface localised heat conditions” (“hot spot”) on MMF floors – a situation, which can occur in practice, among other things, due to sunlight exposure where room-high glazing is installed. The objective is to work up new, practical test methods for floating MMF floorings. Various click systems and different underlay materials are being considered. The members of the responsible MMFA ad hoc group agree that the test methods available to date are inadequate. A clear picture will only emerge by combining several methods.
Dr. Theo Smet reported on the status of standardisation work on the CEN and ISO committees. He also explained the EU Eco label (“Euro Flower”) criteria valid since the end of January for the “Wood, cork and bamboo-based floor coverings” product group. Guest speaker Dr. Edmund Vankann of the Environmentally Friendly Carpeting Association (Gemeinschaft umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden – GUT e.V.) informed the MMFA members about the current status of EN 14041 (essential characteristics). He clarified that manufacturers must consider all test methods, regulations and requirements of the new EN 14041:2017 in their product declarations for the CE label. However, the EN itself does not contain any specifications regarding the DOP (Declaration of Performance) or the CE label.
Sebastian Wendel (Akzenta), Chairman of the “Market Development” workgroup, presented the MMFA’s current sales figures to the participants. According to an internal association estimate, in 2016 the MMFA members achieved an approx. 55% share of the total market in classes 1 and 2 in their main market Western Europe. The MMFA expects annual increases of 10 to 15% for the total modular multilayer floorings market in the next three years.
MMFA President Matthias Windmöller welcomed Harlan Stone, president of the newly founded North American association MFA (Multilayer Flooring Association), to the meeting in Porto. The two associations strive to achieve active professional exchange and want to work together on all levels for a successful future of innovative multilayer flooring. Stone invited the MMFA President to the MFA members’ meeting in the USA in July 2017. In his talk, Stone reported on the current multilayer market in North America. Products with sandwich layup on WPC (waterproof core) dominate there. The MFA considers that rigid multilayer floorings will be the strongest growing floor category in the USA in the coming years. For 2017, Stone quantified the North American market volume for these floorings at approx. USD 500 mln. According to Stone, since 2012, the specialist trade has played a central role in the rapid spread of new multilayer products on the US market.
The MMFA workgroups will hold further meetings during this year, the member’s meeting in 2018 will be held on 25 and 26 April 2018 in Mönchengladbach.