Organized by Western Forestry and Conservation Association (WFCA), “Mapping the Course” conference will be held at the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver, WA, located close to Portland, Oregon’s airport.
This one-day conference will be focused on discussions and analysis on forest products market challenges, opportunities, threats and issues in Western North America for 2018 and beyond. Industry experts and analysts from the US and Canada will address topics such as:
- Stressor and Opportunities for the North American Forest Industry (Paul Quinn, RBC Dominium Securities Inc)
- Strategic Issues for US PNW Timberlands (Mike Mackelwich, Pope Resources)
- Outlook for Sawlog and Pulpwood Prices in Western US and Canada (Hakan Ekstrom,Wood Resources International LLC)
- US PNW Sawmill Sector: Eastside and Westside Issues (Tim Atkinson, Stimson Lumber)
- US PNW Pulp Mill Sector: (Jeff Marthaller, Kapstone Paper & Packaging)
- BC Interior Log Supply Issues (Brad Bennett, Interfor)
- BC Coastal Log Supply Issues (Brian Brown, MacKenzie Sawmill Ltd)
- Will There be Enough Log Supply to Increase Lumber Production? (Rocky Goodnow, Forest Economic Advisors)
- Why Build an Export Pellet Plant in the US Northwest? Why Not? (Seth Walker, FutureMetrics)
- The Trade of Softwood Lumber in North and South Asia to 2030 (Robert Hagler, Forestedge LLC)
There is also a one-day optional workshop offered on January 24th, 2018 (Sawmilling 101: Softwood Sawmill Operations and Financial Performance in North America).
The mission of Western Forestry and Conservation Association (WFCA) is to promote forest stewardship in western North America. The association’s objectives are to:
- Promote the science and practice of forestry for the sustainable production of goods, services and uses of forest resources.
- Promote the dissemination of forestry research and technical information to those interested in the social, environmental and economic values of western forests.
- Promote cooperation and understanding of management issues among federal, provincial and state governments, universities, forest-related industries and others with professional and technical involvement with forest resources.
The association was founded in 1909 and member companies and organizations are located in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alberta. Richard Zabel is the executive director. WFCA provides high quality professional continuing education for natural resource managers in the western United States. These events range from workshops and field trips to conferences on the science and practice of forest management. WFCA often co-sponsors events with outside groups interested in the goal of forest management.