Our Company is currently operating with the latest technology machines on 2500 m2 covered area in İnegöl/Bursa ,Turkey, bedroom set, dinnigroom set and wall units are available in our wide product range in modern. Country and avangarde style. With arthitect support our uniquedesign are brought to life with our professionel R&D team.
Experienced painters are painting ours designs first rate raw materials. Technology and craftmanship is reflected on our design. Our products meet there users in exclusive showrooms in Turkey and Abroad. Our main princple is;to produce high quality products and modernist designs we prefer to use raw materials, those don’t harm the enviroment and human healt ours goal is; to decorate lots of people’s living space and be part of their happiness regards.
Adres 1 : Tokuş Mahallesi, 16400 İnegöl-Bursa-TÜRKİYE
Telefon :+90 224 718 62 74
Telefon :+90 224 502 00 78
+90 532 692 80 57