
NESIL EV was founded over 28 years of experience and knowledge with the assurance of MÜRTEZAOĞLU continuing its commercial activity since 1925 and involved in the furniture industry in 1984. The mission of our company delivering high quality products with high standards, to maximize customer satisfaction by providing quality service and to fulfill our responsibility against humanity and universal values. Our goal is to export to not only Turkey, but also all over the world especially Europe, Middle East and Central Asia. Furniture has a greater importance in our lives than we thought. The comfort and tranquility sought by people who need to relax physically and mentally can be supplied with useful and well-decorated furnishings. The attractive offers and discounts continue in NESIL EV for those who make marriage preparations or want to renovate their homes. NESIL EV offering different concepts of life for everyone comes forward with robustness, durability, quality that may be transferred from generation to generation, and conventionalism of the products. NESIL EV meets the consumer with rich options. NESIL EV creates trust in customers with the application “after-sales support”. We look forward to see you in our factory soon.

  • Cerrah Mah. Eski İpek Cad. No: 7/A Bursa Ankara Karayolu İnegöl Bursa
  • Tel: 0224 714 06 45 Faks: 714 06 46