In the sector where it has been serving since the day it was founded; office and waiting seats, multipurpose lounge seats and stadium seats.
- To maintain the reliability, durability and being a leading organization,
- To gain new model and product solutions in the sector,
- To comply with the requirements of the quality management system and make continuous improvement in our system,
- To continuously increase customer satisfaction with our product and service quality,
- To determine the customer needs and expectations in the most accurate way and to meet the demands in the maximum level,
- It is our company’s quality policy to be a follower and pioneer of innovations in the sector and to be a principle of customer satisfaction with all of our employees who are aware that Kaliten is a common responsibility.
Ürosan Mobilya San. ve Tic. A.Ş : urosan@urosanmobilya.com
Teknik Servis : kemal@urosanmobilya.com
ADRES: Küçük Bebek Cd. Balcıoğlu Apt. No:34/2 Bebek-Sarıyer/İSTANBUL
Tel : +90 212 281 21 95 – 281 27 95
Faks : +90 212 281 22 59