In August 2018, due to extremely high rainfall during the monsoon season, severe floods affected the south Indian state of Kerala. Many people lost their lives and properties and numerous residents were rendered homeless for several days. Among the victims of this climatic catastrophe were Biesse customers and their companies located in the region. Their factories were in fact submerged under water and mud for more than 4 days severely damaging their Plant and machinery.
Biesse promptly contacted these customers after the calamity and, in a very short time, offered help by sending their Service Team to support them. Biesse Service team dedicatedly worked together with customers, supplied free spare parts and reconditioned Biesse machines. Thanks to the timely support provided, 7 Companies, with 12 machines, were put back in operation. Because of this prompt intervention, the adverse impact on customer’s businesses was mitigated to a large extent.
All the machines are currently working, so as the customers’ factories, and the production level is fully restored. Customers expressed their deep appreciation for Biesse support during these tough times and vindicating how Biesse is for them not only a supplier but a real partner.
Biesse Group is a global leader in technology for processing wood, glass, stone, plastic, and metal. It designs, manufactures and distributes machines, integrated systems and software for manufacturers of furniture, door/window frames and components for the construction, ship-building and aerospace industries. It invests an average of €14 million per year in R&D, boasting over 200 registered patents. The company operates through 12 industrial sites, 39 branches, and 300 agents and selected dealers, exporting 90% of its production. Its customers include some of the most prestigious names in Italian and international design. Founded in Pesaro in 1969 by Giancarlo Selci, Biesse SpA has been listed in the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange since June 2001, and is currently included in the FTSE IT Mid Cap index. It currently has 4300 employees worldwide.