Muzaffer furniture, modern models produced by different styles, taste combines with a high level of consumer groups.
Founded in 1999, our company has over 120 employees and 2 production factory building with the latest technology in
the production line, as well as products produced using wood and readily available materials offers to your liking. Muzaffer furniture, original and worthy of its innovative vision and continues to maintain its privileged position in Turkey and in the world market.
With 7 stores across Turkey, over 100 sales dealers and 37 sales points abroad our the target of our company is to be closer to you.
Ankara Karayolu 1.Km Avarlar Kavşağı İnegöl / BURSA / TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90 224 711 77 99 | Faks: +90 224 711 71 11 | info@muzaffermobilya.com