In 1966 we started our activities in the field of furniture.
In modern facilities built on a total area of 10.000m2 in İnegöl,
in standard products we design identity furniture that reflect the warmth of the natural wood and all its beauty.
At the end of 2008, we added our brand new modern designs to our concept,
genişlettik.halihazır deal in our product range, and our sales points throughout Turkey has a special
as well as exporting to more than 15 countries in 3 continents.
Our ilk is long-lasting, durable production, stability and continuous development.
ADRES : Ağaç İşleri Bölgesi Tandoğan Cd.25.Sk.No:24 İnegöl / Bursa
Telefon : +90 0224 718 5490
FAX : +90 0224 718 6219
Genel : info@oznilmobilya.com
Yurt içi pazarlama : pazarlama@oznilmobilya.com
Yurt dışı satış ve pazarlama : export@oznilmobilya.com