Ron Schroer’s Boneshaker Bigwheel superficially resembles the kind of old-timey bicycle called penny-farthing, but don’t be fooled: the all-wood machine actually crawls on a set of legs on the back.
Schroer says the project was inspired by Theo Jansen, the Dutch designer who makes wild and wooly wooden creations and his animated works are a fusion of art and engineering. Boneshaker BigWheel’s concept is not so far away from Jansen’s wild creations.
Schroer previously outlined his idea, which was submitted to OneSpark 2014 in Jacksonville, by having his granddaughter star in a video in which she said Schroer was trying to make the whole penny-farthing dance. Schorer explains that making the vehicle weirder and more fun, the legs allow it to traverse more rugged terrain. While the penny-farthing may not be due for a revival, it’s still neat to watch this thing move.