International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Starwood Orman Urunleri Sanayi A.S. to supply a fiber production line to its MDF plant in İnegöl, Turkey. This will be the second fiber production line supplied by ANDRITZ to this customer. Start-up is scheduled for the end of 2021.
The scope of supply includes a complete fiber production line including disc chipper, chip washing system, and a pressurized refining system. The latter contains a 60’’ refiner and ensures superior fiber production with lowest possible energy consumption. As raw materials, the highly efficient chip washing and pressurized refining system will have a capacity of 32 tons per hour and will process 20- 100% pine and 80-0% beech with 80% moisture content. In addition, ANDRITZ will deliver another chip washing system for an existing MDF production line.
“We’ve already worked with ANDRITZ at our plant in Ingeöl in 2014, and the cooperation was outstanding, which was the main reason why we opted again for ANDRITZ. They listened intently to us to find out what we wanted, and we listened to them, learning about the latest technological innovations they had been working on. The great thing about this industry is that we can learn from each other as the technology advances constantly, and ANDRITZ has always been a forerunner, providing the most modern technological solutions,” adds Hüseyin Yildiz, Vice President at Starwood.
Starwood is one of the largest industrial companies in Turkey and produces around 2,000 m3 MDF and 3,000 m³ chipboard per day. Among other business segments, the company is specialized in the production of thin MDF from 1.5 mm to 8 mm. Starwood plays a major role as a furniture supplier in Turkey as well as in other countries located in the Middle East.
Group photo (from left to right): Mehmet Yildiz, President (Starwood), Hüseyin Yildiz, Vice President (Starwood), Michael Rupp, Vice President Panelboard (ANDRITZ), Cihan Ayla, Managing Director (Hanex Ltd.)
International technology group ANDRITZ offers a broad portfolio of innovative plants, equipment, systems and services for the pulp and paper industry, the hydropower sector, the metals processing and forming industry, pumps, solid/liquid separation in the municipal and industrial sectors, as well as animal feed and biomass pelleting. The global product and service portfolio is rounded off with plants for power generation, recycling, the production of nonwovens and panelboard, as well as automation and digital solutions offered under the brand name of Metris. The publicly listed group today has around 27,800 employees and more than 280 locations in over 40 countries.
ANDRITZ Pulp & Paper provides equipment, systems, complete plants and services for the production of all types of pulp, paper, board and tissue. The technologies and services focus on maximum utilization of raw materials, increased production efficiency and sustainability as well as lower overall operating costs. Boilers for power production, flue gas cleaning plants, plants for the production of nonwovens and panelboard (MDF), as well as recycling and shredding solutions for various waste materials also form a part of this business area.