Okumus Furniture, which was founded in 1980 as a trademark in the furniture sector, has become one of the leading manufacturers of our country today. Since its foundation,
Okumus Furniture , which gives importance to quality, comfort and aesthetics and has gained the favor of every sector both in the country and abroad with its unique designs , has
achieved great success in a short period of time .
Our main principle is to be able to contribute to the beauty of the places you live. They
have adopted the principles of reliability, truthfulness, fulfillment of promises, respect for humanity, development of good relationships, protection of the environment and being the best, and these features
are the basis of our company since the day it was first established .
Since we were founded, constant quality improvement, productivity increase, continuous design vision and customer satisfaction. Just as it is in the past to give importance to customer satisfaction, today it is the foundation of our belief and personality.
Okumus Furniture is a sister company of Okumuş Ahşap Tasarım İnşaat Ltd. Şti. Sti. nide added to the company.
We are the best for you, the best for you …
Karacakaya Caddesi No : 124
Siteler – Ankara – Türkiye
Telefon : +90 312 350 75 37