The Swedish furniture production and exports have increased continuously over the past five years, according to up-to-date statistics from the Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry (TMF). In total, production is estimated at SEK 24 billion for 2018, which is 10.6 percent higher than in 2014.
“It is extremely gratifying that the positive trend in Swedish furniture production is continuing, and that it is still an important domestic industry with much of the production in its own country. Combined with that, it is also at the forefront when it comes to sustainability and that Swedish design is increasingly demanded in both Europe and in markets further afield, means that we have a position that we are very keen on continuing to strengthen”, says Linda Löf, project manager for furniture industry development on TMF.
During many years China ́s furniture export has increased a lot. Of course this is, and will be, a big continuous challenge for the Swedish producers. During last year the Swedish furniture import kept the same level as in 2010, which gave a better balance of trade.
It is still office furniture and bedroom furniture which have the best balance of trade, but fitted kitchen equipment and dining room furniture are also exported to a high extent. In order to maintain the competitiveness and strengthen their market share the industry needs to keep up the pace with innovation and design as well as being in a front position when it comes to areas like quality, environment and corporate social responsibility.
During Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair, TMF welcomes thousands of visitors, both national and international, to take part of the very latest in Scandinavian design. Interest in furniture and furnishings is also evident by the fact that Swedes buy more and more furniture. Retail trade – totaling SEK 38 billion – has increased by 1.6 per cent compared with 2017 and just over 26 per cent if you go back five years.
The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry – Trä- och Möbelföretagen (TMF) – is the national trade and employers’ association of the wood processing and furniture industry in Sweden and represents approximately 700 member companies who jointly have around 30 000 employees.