“Transform – a changing society – how does this influence interior and flooring?“ – this was the topic of a speech by Salvatore Figliuzzi, Interprint Director of Marketing & Design, held at the EPLF annual meeting in Austria in May 2017. Here some key statements of his interesting presentation:
Four zeitgeist trend topics
Beyond the short-lived trends, styles and hypes, we are experiencing the transformation of an entire age. Our era can no longer be reduced to buzzwords like “globalisation” and “digitalisation”. It stands, above all, for a revolutionary change in behaviour, lifestyle, ideology and values. Zeitgeist – the spirit of our times. We think, feel and act in the mirror of a world that is resorting itself. What topics characterise the spirit of the era? Interprint has searched out four of these topics. Each reflects very distinct facets of transformation. A thought mosaic of the inspirations and insights: de/materialised, non_conform, co-everything and un_limited. According to Interprint, these four zeitgeist trends will change our life and home needs.
Digitalisation means dematerialisation. What was once analogue becomes digital – from music, games and films to human relations. The result is a stronger desire for authenticity and materiality in interior design.
Anti-perfectionism as an alternative concept to a perfect digital world. Flemish architecture or furniture ‘made by myself’ – the intentional imperfection has found its way into home design and furniture trends.
Flexibility is demanded where work and home merge and co-working and home office are part of everyday life. Mobile walls and transformable 360-degree furniture are answers to the changed necessities of life.
Boundaries of age, sex and origin become blurred. Home becomes the place of refuge in endlessly growing megacities. Fashion, furniture and interior design embody the no-limit mix of styles and trends.
The “Six Pack” 2017
Corresponding to the trend topics mentioned above, Interprint has developed its “Six Pack 2017”: six self-confident décor statements which have – according to the decor printer – the potential for international market success. Three oak interpretations (Kronberg – natural, Intra – experimental, Ladin – country-style), one walnut (Paldao), one chestnut (Nairo) and one marble (Lavant) design. All six décors show authentic strength of character with their materiality and naturalness.
“In relation to trends or lifestyle, the past and the future are getting closer and closer to the present. We currently see a blend of styles from different design eras and cultures. Our present is super exciting and needs designers – perhaps more than ever”, summarised Salvatore Figliuzzi.