Organized by the ORSİAD during Intermob fair last year, and saw intense interest “Future of Forest Industry Forum” attracted great attention which led the second edition to take place again this year on 25 October 2016 at 13.30 in the Karadeniz Hall in TÜYAP Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Since it’s first edition last year, Future of Forest Industry Forum 2016 has been described as one of the most important platforms that discussed the industry’s problems and future scenarios. The annual forum brings together the industry manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers and offers an open environment where all the sectors can express themselves and find possible solutions to their problems. The Forum also discusses the next year’s targets and address the innovations. Through the Future of Forest Industry Forum, each actor in the sector can be heard and that way the industry can be analysed fully.
The Forum will be taking place on the fourth day of Intermob, starting at 13.30 in the Karadeniz Hall of TÜYAP Convention and Exhibition Center. Here are the topics and main issues that will be discussed during the Future of Forest Industry Forum:
– What has changed in the sectors of Chipboard, MDF and Laminate Flooring since last year? The figures and financial results of the sector reviews.
– Possible estimates of about 2017
– The expectations of the industry by represented institutions
– 2017 Plans & Innovations by the represented institutions
– What to expect in the sectors of the sectors of Chipboard, MDF and Laminate Flooring in 2017?
– What are the possible risks? Suggestions and opinions in order to avoid risks.
– Expected sales figures in 2017. Will the industry grow or get smaller?
- Expected innovations in 2017.
All speakers featured in the Future of Forest Industry Forum are industry experts with the names as following;
On behalf of General Directorate of Forestry Mr. Kenan Akyüz, on behalf of Turkey Forest Products Exporters,
Importers and Manufacturers Association Mr. Mahir Arın,
on behalf of MDF and Chipboard Manufacturers Association Mr. Tevfik Dedebaş,
on behalf of Businessmen Association of Forest Industries Mr.Mehmet Karahasanoğlu,
on behalf of the Association of Woodworking Machinery and Supply Industry Businessmen Mr. Arif Onur Kaçak Arif
and on behalf of MDF and Chipboard Manufacturers Association on behalf of Mr. Hakan Zengin.
The Forum will be moderated by ORSIAD’s General Manager Mr. Fikret Demir.
In order to attend the Forum where participation is free, you need to reserve your place by emailing at info@orsiad.com.tr. We suggest not to miss this important event which will define the future of forest industry in Turkey.